Tenured Group Members

Emeritus Prof. Dimos Triantis, Head of Group

Professor Cimon Anastasiadis

Professor Ilias Stavrakas

Assist. Prof. Panagiotis Photopoulos

Ioannis Christakis, Lab Teaching Staff
Associated Group Members

Thodoris Malliaros, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently working at Technava S.A [click for more]
Thodoris Malliaros acquired his BSc from the department of Electronic Engineering, at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens in 2010. His graduate work was ‘’Dielectric measurements in frequency domain during the maturation phase of samples of cement’’ under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. He received the MSc in Microelectronins from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in 2015. His thesis was ‘’Experimental Measurements of weak electrical signals and acoustic emissions during application of mechanical stress in natural stones” under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. He worked as a Research Assistant of the following project : a. ‘’Development and assessement of innovative experimental techiques for the study of the mechanical behavior of natural building stone: Applocations to the conservation and restoration of monuments of Cultural Heritage’’ (THALES) (2013 – 2015) b. ‘’Non – destructive evaluation of cemment based materials by studying weak electric signals generated by knocking mechanic load ‘’(ARCHIMIDIS) (2013 -2015). Thodoris Malliaros has participated in ten scientific publications.
Now Thodoris Malliaros is working on Technava S.A as an Electronic Engineer. He attends vessels for inspection and service of the ICCP (Impress Cathodic Current Protection) system in cooperation with KC (Korea Cathelco). Also he is a Service and Electronic Engineer for Cryostar SA and has worked on FAT (Factory Accessible test) on test room facilities in France and on Commissioning on New Shipbuilding. Cryostar SA is an expert in advanced technologies for Industrial Gas, Clean Power Generation, LNG and Hydrocarbon application.
Thodoris Malliaros, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently working at Technava S.A [click for more]
Thodoris Malliaros acquired his BSc from the department of Electronic Engineering, at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens in 2010. His graduate work was ‘’Dielectric measurements in frequency domain during the maturation phase of samples of cement’’ under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. He received the MSc in Microelectronins from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in 2015. His thesis was ‘’Experimental Measurements of weak electrical signals and acoustic emissions during application of mechanical stress in natural stones” under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. He worked as a Research Assistant of the following project : a. ‘’Development and assessement of innovative experimental techiques for the study of the mechanical behavior of natural building stone: Applocations to the conservation and restoration of monuments of Cultural Heritage’’ (THALES) (2013 – 2015) b. ‘’Non – destructive evaluation of cemment based materials by studying weak electric signals generated by knocking mechanic load ‘’(ARCHIMIDIS) (2013 -2015). Thodoris Malliaros has participated in ten scientific publications.
Now Thodoris Malliaros is working on Technava S.A as an Electronic Engineer. He attends vessels for inspection and service of the ICCP (Impress Cathodic Current Protection) system in cooperation with KC (Korea Cathelco). Also he is a Service and Electronic Engineer for Cryostar SA and has worked on FAT (Factory Accessible test) on test room facilities in France and on Commissioning on New Shipbuilding. Cryostar SA is an expert in advanced technologies for Industrial Gas, Clean Power Generation, LNG and Hydrocarbon application.

Charalambos Kazakidis, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently working at the Hellenic Army Academy [click for more]
Kazakidis graduated in 1997 from the Department of Electronic Engineering at the of TEI of Crete (Branch Chania). His dissertation title was”Design and construction of a digital transmitter receiver system at the VHF in the range of 130MHz to 175MHz with application of MC68705P3″. He received his maters’s degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering of TEI of Athens in 2017. His thesis title was “Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents in Polymeric Nanocomposite Materials” supervised by Professor Dimos Triantis. Currently he is studying at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of West Attica. He has experience in power electronics and electronic filters (LC and crystal filters). He is currently working for the Hellenic Army at the Hellenic Army Academy.
Charalambos Kazakidis, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently working at the Hellenic Army Academy [click for more]
Kazakidis graduated in 1997 from the Department of Electronic Engineering at the of TEI of Crete (Branch Chania). His dissertation title was”Design and construction of a digital transmitter receiver system at the VHF in the range of 130MHz to 175MHz with application of MC68705P3″. He received his maters’s degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering of TEI of Athens in 2017. His thesis title was “Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents in Polymeric Nanocomposite Materials” supervised by Professor Dimos Triantis. Currently he is studying at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of West Attica. He has experience in power electronics and electronic filters (LC and crystal filters). He is currently working for the Hellenic Army at the Hellenic Army Academy.

Ioakeim Barmaxizoglou, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently at Marine Electronic Systems [click for more]
He graduated from Department of Electronic Engineering at Technological Educational Institute of Athens (2012). Completed his master’s degree on Embedded and Telecommunication Systems at Department of Electronic Engineering in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (2018). He accomplished Publications in Journals and Conference Papers with direction to Electrical Characterization Materials in cooperation with Professors I. Stavrakas and D. Triantis. Currently at marine electronic systems as electronic engineer making international travels.
Ioakeim Barmaxizoglou, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently at Marine Electronic Systems [click for more]
He graduated from Department of Electronic Engineering at Technological Educational Institute of Athens (2012). Completed his master’s degree on Embedded and Telecommunication Systems at Department of Electronic Engineering in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (2018). He accomplished Publications in Journals and Conference Papers with direction to Electrical Characterization Materials in cooperation with Professors I. Stavrakas and D. Triantis. Currently at marine electronic systems as electronic engineer making international travels.

Stathis Vlachos, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently at Hellenic Telecommunications Organization [click for more]
Stathis has studied at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. He received his BSc in Electronic Engineering in 2013. His dissertation topic was on the study of training radial basis function neural networks using the method of simulated annealing, under the supervision of Professor Alexandros Alexandridis. Currently he is attending the MSc in Design and Development of Advanced Electronic Systems of Technological Educational Institute of Athens. His master dissertation topic is on the study of the applications of memristor chaotic oscillators, under the supervision of Prof. Odysseas Tsakiridis. In 2016 he participated as research assistant, on the project of electrical characterization of oxides by dielectric spectroscopy at the lab of Electronic Devices and Materials, under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas and Prof. Tina Theochari. Since 2014 he has been working as telecom engineer and ERP consultant at Hellenic Telecommunications Organization.
Stathis Vlachos, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently at Hellenic Telecommunications Organization [click for more]
Stathis has studied at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. He received his BSc in Electronic Engineering in 2013. His dissertation topic was on the study of training radial basis function neural networks using the method of simulated annealing, under the supervision of Professor Alexandros Alexandridis. Currently he is attending the MSc in Design and Development of Advanced Electronic Systems of Technological Educational Institute of Athens. His master dissertation topic is on the study of the applications of memristor chaotic oscillators, under the supervision of Prof. Odysseas Tsakiridis. In 2016 he participated as research assistant, on the project of electrical characterization of oxides by dielectric spectroscopy at the lab of Electronic Devices and Materials, under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas and Prof. Tina Theochari. Since 2014 he has been working as telecom engineer and ERP consultant at Hellenic Telecommunications Organization.