Electronic Devices and Materials Lab – EDML

Electronic Devices and Materials Research Laboratory

EDML calls for PhD candidates

EDML (edml.uniwa.gr/en) calls for PhD candidates on the following research areas: Pressure Stimulated Currents and Acoustic Emissions on the study […]

EDML calls for PhD candidates

EDML calls for PhD candidates on the following research areas: Optical and Electrical characterization of materials, Assoc. Prof. K. Moutzouris […]

Journalistic interview preparation

Preparing the interview regarding the MOU between the Electronic Devices and Materials Laboratory and the Libre Space Foundation participating Prof. […]

EDML calls for PhD candidates

EDML (edml.uniwa.gr/en) calls for PhD candidates on the following research area: Pressure Stimulated Currents and Acoustic Emissions on the study […]

EMISSION Project pilot installation

EDML group installed two pilot stations next to NOA official pollution measuring point. The first two pilot measuring points are […]