Tenured Group Members

Professor Ilias Stavrakas, Head of Group

Emeritus Prof. Dimos Triantis

Emeritus Prof. Cimon Anastasiadis

Assistant Professor Odysseus Tsakiridis

Ioannis Christakis, Lab Teaching Staff
Associated Group Members

Andronikos Loukidis, Electronics Eng., Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc., Currently postdoctoral Researcher at EDML, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering [click for more]
Andronikos Loukidis, is a post-doctoral researcher in University of West Attica since April 2022. He completed his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dimos Triantis in University of West Attica in April 2022. His PhD thesis was entitled “Determination of criticality in brittle materials by statistical physics methods, utilizing acoustic emission data”. He acquired his MSc in Design and Development of Advanced Electronic Systems from the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of West Attica in 2018. His thesis was “Air pollution particle detection, using Computer Vision” under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas He worked as a Research Associate in the following projects: a. “ΤΕΙ-Α Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution (hack-AIR) – EU – 688363, funded in the Horizon 2020 framework – ICT-2015” (2017 – 2018) b. “DIDE – Investigation of the Structure of Soil Materials” (June 2018 – December 2018). He worked as a PhD candidate in the research project “Critical assessment and revision of the standard regarding the determination of the Mode I fracture toughness, KIC, of brittle building materials using a combination of innovative experimental techniques, numerical simulations and analytical methods” (Support for researchers with an emphasis on young researchers – cycle B) (June 2020 – November 2021). Andronikos Loukidis has co-authored and participated in fifteen scientific publications.

Ioanna Dakanali, Civil Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Currently working at the at Metropolitan college AMC. [click for more]
Ioanna Dakanali is a structural engineer, graduate of NTUA in 2008. In 2013, she received her MSc degree in «Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistance Structures» from School of Civil Engineer- NTUA. Her doctoral thesis focused on the combined application of classical mechanical testing techniques and several non destructive techniques (AE, PSC, DIC), in order to monitor the mechanical behavior of natural building materials used in monuments’ restoration/conservation projects. Since October 2017 is a teacher of Civil and Mechanical Engineering programs at Metropolitan college AMC.

Theologos Migos, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., Currently participating on Emission project. [click for more]
Migos Theologos received his BSc from the department of Electronics Engineering of Technological institute of Athens (TEI of Athens) in 2018. His thesis “Electrical characterization of aquatic solutions for studying the anisotropy of deposited sand” was under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. Currently he is attending the M.sc by research in electrical and electronic engineering, with the topic “Design and develop a low cost air monitoring system with the use of IoT” under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. He participated in two scientific publications, “On the evaluation of low-cost PM sensors for air quality estimation” accepted for presentation in the international conference of modern circuits and technologies (MOCAST 2019), “EMISSION: Environmental monitoring integrated system using an IoT network” accepted for presentation in the 23rd international transport and air pollution conference (TAP 2019).

Thodoris Malliaros, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently working at Technava S.A [click for more]
Thodoris Malliaros acquired his BSc from the department of Electronic Engineering, at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens in 2010. His graduate work was ‘’Dielectric measurements in frequency domain during the maturation phase of samples of cement’’ under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. He received the MSc in Microelectronins from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in 2015. His thesis was ‘’Experimental Measurements of weak electrical signals and acoustic emissions during application of mechanical stress in natural stones” under the supervision of Prof. Ilias Stavrakas. He worked as a Research Assistant of the following project : a. ‘’Development and assessement of innovative experimental techiques for the study of the mechanical behavior of natural building stone: Applocations to the conservation and restoration of monuments of Cultural Heritage’’ (THALES) (2013 – 2015) b. ‘’Non – destructive evaluation of cemment based materials by studying weak electric signals generated by knocking mechanic load ‘’(ARCHIMIDIS) (2013 -2015). Thodoris Malliaros has participated in ten scientific publications.
Now Thodoris Malliaros is working on Technava S.A as an Electronic Engineer. He attends vessels for inspection and service of the ICCP (Impress Cathodic Current Protection) system in cooperation with KC (Korea Cathelco). Also he is a Service and Electronic Engineer for Cryostar SA and has worked on FAT (Factory Accessible test) on test room facilities in France and on Commissioning on New Shipbuilding. Cryostar SA is an expert in advanced technologies for Industrial Gas, Clean Power Generation, LNG and Hydrocarbon application.

Ilir LAMPROS, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., Currently working at Grenoble INP – Esisar [click for more]
Ilir Lampros received his BSc in Electronics Engineering from the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens (2018). Conducted, withing the scope of his final year dissertation, experiments for the detection of small objects with the use of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Has worked as an electronics assembly technician for a MEMS sensor & sensor systems design private entrerprise (2014-2017). Currently at Grenoble INP – Esisar (2018 Valence-France), doing an internship with a subject on hardware design for hardware security implementation.
Ilir LAMPROS, Electronic Eng., B.Sc., Currently working at Grenoble INP – Esisar [click for more]
Ilir Lampros received his BSc in Electronics Engineering from the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens (2018). Conducted, withing the scope of his final year dissertation, experiments for the detection of small objects with the use of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Has worked as an electronics assembly technician for a MEMS sensor & sensor systems design private entrerprise (2014-2017). Currently at Grenoble INP – Esisar (2018 Valence-France), doing an internship with a subject on hardware design for hardware security implementation.

Dimitris-Kleivi Tsaousi , Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently running an MSc degree in Software Engineering.[click for more]
Dimitris has studied at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. He received his BSc in Electronic Engineering in 2018. He completed his dissertation project at the lab of Electronic Devices and Materials, where he focused on the measurement of Pressure Stimulated Currents and Acoustic Emissions on marble and cement mortars, under the supervision of Professors Dimos Triantis and Ilias Stavrakas, in cooperation with the lab of Durability and Materials of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) under the supervision of Professor Stavros Kourkoulis. He also participated on the research project “Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution (hack-AIR) – EU – 688363, funded in the Horizon 2020 framework – ICT – 2015”. His internship in the RnD sector gave him the opportunity to work on the development of algorithms for embedded systems. He is now pursuing an MSc degree in Software Engineering.
Dimitris-Kleivi Tsaousi , Electronic Eng., B.Sc., M.Sc., Currently running an MSc degree in Software Engineering.[click for more]
Dimitris has studied at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. He received his BSc in Electronic Engineering in 2018. He completed his dissertation project at the lab of Electronic Devices and Materials, where he focused on the measurement of Pressure Stimulated Currents and Acoustic Emissions on marble and cement mortars, under the supervision of Professors Dimos Triantis and Ilias Stavrakas, in cooperation with the lab of Durability and Materials of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) under the supervision of Professor Stavros Kourkoulis. He also participated on the research project “Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution (hack-AIR) – EU – 688363, funded in the Horizon 2020 framework – ICT – 2015”. His internship in the RnD sector gave him the opportunity to work on the development of algorithms for embedded systems. He is now pursuing an MSc degree in Software Engineering.